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#-# Collection indicators

‘? ’ : Key indicator.
‘: ’ : Value indicator.
‘- ’ : Nested series entry indicator.
‘, ’ : Separate in-line branch entries.
‘[]’ : Surround in-line series branch.
‘{}’ : Surround in-line keyed branch.

#-# Scalar indicators

’’’’ : Surround in-line unescaped scalar (’’ escaped ‘).
‘"’ : Surround in-line escaped scalar (see escape codes below).
‘|’ : Block scalar indicator.
‘>’ : Folded scalar indicator.
‘-’ : Strip chomp modifier (’|-’ or ‘>-’).
‘+’ : Keep chomp modifier (’|+’ or ‘>+’).
1-9 : Explicit indentation modifier (’|1’ or ‘>2’).
# Modifiers can be combined (’|2-’, ‘>+1’).

#-# Alias indicators

‘&’ : Anchor property.
‘*’ : Alias indicator.

#-# Tag property (usually unspecified)

none : Unspecified tag (automatically resolved by application).
‘!’ : Non-specific tag (by default, “!!map”/"!!seq"/"!!str").
‘!foo’ : Primary (by convention, means a local “!foo” tag).
‘!!foo’ : Secondary (by convention, means “,2002:foo”).
‘!h!foo’: Requires “%TAG !h! ” (and then means “foo”).
‘!’: Verbatim tag (always means “foo”).

#-# Document indicators

‘%’ : Directive indicator.
‘—’: Document header.
‘…’: Document terminator.

#-# Misc indicators

’ #’ : Throwaway comment indicator.
‘`@’ : Both reserved for future use.

#-# Special keys

‘=’ : Default “value” mapping key.
‘«’ : Merge keys from another mapping.

#-# Core types (default automatic tags)

‘!!map’ : { Hash table, dictionary, mapping }
‘!!seq’ : { List, array, tuple, vector, sequence }
‘!!str’ : Unicode string

#-# More types

‘!!set’ : { cherries, plums, apples }
‘!!omap’: [ one: 1, two: 2 ]

#-# Language Independent Scalar types

{ ~, null } : Null (no value).
[ 1234, 0x4D2, 02333 ] : [ Decimal int, Hexadecimal int, Octal int ]
[ 1_230.15, 12.3015e+02 ]: [ Fixed float, Exponential float ]
[ .inf, -.Inf, .NAN ] : [ Infinity (float), Negative, Not a number ]
{ Y, true, Yes, ON } : Boolean true
{ n, FALSE, No, off } : Boolean false
? !!binary >

Base 64 binary value.

#-# Escape codes:
Numeric : { “\x12”: 8-bit, “\u1234”: 16-bit, “\U00102030”: 32-bit }
Protective: { “\”: ‘', “: ‘”’, “\ “: ’ ‘, “<TAB>”: TAB }
C : { “\0”: NUL, “\a”: BEL, “\b”: BS, “\f”: FF, “\n”: LF, “\r”: CR,
“\t”: TAB, “\v”: VTAB }
Additional: { “\e”: ESC, “_”: NBSP, “\N”: NEL, “\L”: LS, “\P”: PS }

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Nicolas Guinet
Nicolas Guinet
Consultant .Net, C, C++, Python, Go. Full Stack Html/Css/Js/Node. I like to experiment new trends everyday. IA/ML player focused on scientific topics.