· ☕ 4 min read
#-# #-# Command line #-# #-# Namenode Command Description hadoop namenode -format Format HDFS filesystem from Namenode. hadoop namenode -upgrade Upgrade the NameNode. start-dfs.sh Start HDFS Daemons. stop-dfs.sh Stop HDFS Daemons. start-mapred.sh Start MapReduce Daemons. stop-mapred.sh Stop MapReduce Daemons. hadoop namenode -recover -force Recover namenode metadata after a cluster failure (may lose data). #-# Health Command Description hadoop fsck / Filesystem check on HDFS. hadoop fsck / -files Display files during check.

· ☕ 9 min read
#-# #-# Headers #-# #-# Request headers Field Example Description Accept Accept: text/html Acceptable Content-Types for the response. Accept-Charset Accept-Charset: utf-8 Acceptable character sets. Accept-Encoding Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Acceptable encodings (for compression). Accept-Language Accept-Language: en-US Acceptable human langages. Accept-Datetime Accept-Datetime: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 06:06:06 GMT Acceptable time of last update. Authorization Authorization: Basic YnJvOmhvbmVzdGx5 HTTP authentication credentials. Cache-Control Cache-Control: no-cache Directives which caching mechanisms must obey. Connection Connection: keep-alive Type of preffered connection for the client.

· ☕ 6 min read
#-# #-# Annotations #-# #-# @HystrixCollapser Property Default Description collapserKey Name of annotated method Specifies a collapser key. batchMethod - Method name of batch command which must have the following signature: java.util.List method(java.util.List). scope Scope.REQUEST Defines what scope the collapsing should occur within. collapserProperties {} Specifies collapser properties. #-# @HystrixCommand Property Default Description groupKey Class name of annotated method Used for grouping together commands such as for reporting, alerting, etc.

· ☕ 1 min read
#-# #-# Nick #-# Register current nickname. /msg nickserv register you@example.com Indent your nickname. /msg nickserv identify Set current nickname. /nick vrachieru #-# #-# Networks / Servers #-# Bind nickname with network. /network add -nick Connect to the network. /connect List networks. /network list Bind server with network. /server add -auto -network List servers. /server list #-# #-# Channels #-# Join to a channel. /join #channel Leave current channel. /part

· ☕ 1 min read
#-# #-# Keyboard shortcuts #-# #-# Global Shortcut Description gd Go to Dashboard gp Browse to a Project ga Go to Agile gi Find Issues gg Administration Quick Search / Quick Search . Quick Operations c Create an Issue Alt+Ctrl+s Form Submit #-# Navigation Shortcut Description o View selected Issue j Next Issue k Previous Issue [ Dock/Undock the Filters Panel n Next Activity p Previous Activity f Focus search field

· ☕ 1 min read
#-# #-# Headers #-# h1 h3 Header 1 Header 2 #-# #-# Links #-# link [link][google] [google]: http://google.com http://google.com #-# #-# Images #-# #-# #-# Emphasis #-# italic italic bold bold #-# #-# Code #-# 4 space indent Blockquotes This is a blockquote Nested Blockquote #-# #-# Horizontal line #-#

· ☕ 2 min read
#-# #-# Commands #-# #-# General command structure mvn -P #-# Simple stuff mvn help mvn compile mvn validate mvn verify mvn test mvn clean mvn clean package mvn clean install mvn clean deploy #-# #-# Dependencies #-# #-# Scope Scope Description compile Compile dependencies are available in all classpaths of a project and are propagated to dependent projects. (default) provided Similar to compile, but indicates you expect the JDK or a container to provide the dependency at runtime.

sc #1
· ☕ 1 min read
welcome to science #1

· ☕ 5 min read
#-# #-# Chat types #-# To find out what type of chat you’re in, simply type /get name into the chat window and press Enter. Type Starts with cloud-based 19:… p2p-based #skypename… #-# #-# Cloud-based commands and roles #-# Role Description Admin Also known as chat hosts/masters. Admins can promote other people to admins. Speaker A member who can post messages into the chat and participate in calls. Command Description

· ☕ 2 min read
#-# #-# Actions #-# KeyBind + Combination Key Description Ctrl+b % Split the current window vertically into two panes. Ctrl+b :split-window Horizontally split window or current pane. Ctrl+b o Switch to the next pane. Ctrl+b c Open new window. Ctrl+b l Move to previous window. Ctrl+b n Move to next window. Ctrl+b p Move to previous window. Ctrl+b d Detach current client. Ctrl+b x Kill the current pane. Ctrl+b & Kill the current window.

· ☕ 2 min read
#-# #-# Keyboard shortcuts #-# #-# Gnome Shortcut Description Ctrl+Alt+F1 Switch to the first virtual terminal. Ctrl+Alt+F[2..6] Select the different virtual terminals. Ctrl+Alt+F7 Restore back to the current terminal session with X. Ctrl+Alt+Backspace Restart GNOME. Alt+Tab Switch between open programs. Ctrl+Alt+L Lock the screen. Alt+F1 Open the Applications menu. Alt+F2 Open the Run Application dialog box. Alt+F3 Open the Deskbar Applet. Alt+F4 Close the current window. Alt+F5 Unmaximize the current window.

· ☕ 4 min read
#-# #-# Cursor movement #-# Command Description h or ← move cursor left j or ↓ move cursor down k or → move cursor up l or ↑ move cursor right w jump forwards to the start of a word W jump forwards to the start of a word (words can contain punctuation) e jump forwards to the end of a word E jump forwards to the end of a word (words can contain punctuation)

· ☕ 2 min read
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Magni quae vitae quia id et impedit sapiente accusantium modi soluta nemo delectus iste quis corrupti dolores quisquam fuga, eius totam! Enim. Cumque ipsam quae, ut repudiandae alias dicta reprehenderit, labore suscipit, tempore possimus esse odio at! Nobis, unde. Adipisci, est? Laborum fugit tempore quo id cupiditate nulla. Qui earum eos velit! Alias impedit doloremque aspernatur velit dolorem iusto consectetur perferendis pariatur, nobis praesentium neque voluptate laborum placeat accusantium quae?